'The rainbow belongs to God': Anti-gay US pastor sets sights on Sochi Olympics

20.09.2013 16:08

When President Vladimir Putin recently
banned “homosexual propaganda” in
Russia, he joined sides in a new global
culture war: a struggle to stop the
march of gay rights abroad even as
advocates wave rainbow flags in
America. Now, as the Sochi 2014
Winter Olympics approach, both sides
are bracing for unrest — and an
American pastor is taking credit for the
law that started it all.
Scott Lively is a hero to some, a demon
to others and a joke to still more. From
his home in Springfield, Mass., he runs
Abiding Truth Ministries, a church
dedicated to combating “the
homosexual agenda,” and Holy
Grounds Coffee Shop, where the
faithful gather for java and Jesus. Lively
also sermonizes overseas, promoting
his books — most notably The Pink
Swastika, which traces the Nazi Party
to a gay bar — and portraying gay love
as a “dark force” in human history
responsible for the Inquisition,
American slavery and the Holocaust.


theworldface Sto Dgo R.D albertoreynoso1174@gmail.com